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Saturday 19 January 1918 – Entertainment at Badsey to raise money for parcels

Category World War I: The Home Front
The Evesham Journal
Transcription of article


At the Old Schools a very successful entertainment was given on Wednesday and Thursday week, to raise if possible sufficient money to send each soldier now serving a parcel. Mr.T. H. Knight (the Badsey organist) made all the arrangements and on both nights the room was packed. On Wednesday evening the chair was taken by Mr. C. A. Binyon and on Thursday by Mr. W.W.Blake.

The chief attraction was a sketch given by some young friends from Wickhamford. Much praise is due to Miss M. Pethard for the way in which she played the part of Beauty, while Miss Nancy Pethard was equally good in her representation of the Beast, and the parts of the supercilious sisters were played by Miss Heritage and Miss Agg with great skill. Miss Cox was an admirable father, and Miss Florrie Smith and Master Wilfred Cox were the Beast’s servants, and quarrelled with great spirit in Scene 2. Mrs. Ward was responsible for the arrangements, and had evidently taken great pains, otherwise the sketch could not have been so successful. The audience greatly enjoyed the acting, which was good, and also the taking little songs in the sketch. The Badsey choir, assisted by Miss I. Dore, Miss G. Blake, and Miss F. Jones, who gave three glees, was excellently trained by Miss Allen, who accompanied. A pianoforte duet was given each night by the Misses Sears, and a violin solo by Mr. E. Warner, accompanied by Miss Johns. Songs were given by the following ladies, and all were encored: Miss Allen, Miss Juliet Sladden, Miss I. Dore, and Miss M. Pethard. An amusing item was a trio, “A Little Farm Well Tilled,” given by Messrs. T. H. Knight, J.E. Knight, and W. J. Anderson, which was rendered in a most vivacious manner. The Vicar gave “Father O’Flynn” in real Irish style, being encored. Mr. Trevett, of Evesham, gave two comic songs on the first night, which were enjoyed and the second night Mr. T. H. Knight fairly brought the house down with “I’m twenty-one today.” The Vicar appeared twice the second night, and each time was encored.

Thanks are due to the many willing helpers who assisted in various ways to make the entertainment such a success. The proceeds amounted to £17 18s.