Hello Jayne, In case Debbie hasn't seen your response, I have sent her an email and given her your email address if you would like to continue your conversation offline. If you have any exciting new information about the Agg family, we would love to hear from you.
Thank you for contacting us, Daphne. We are happy for you to reference these articles on your Ancestry tree. The Badsey Society is located in Badsey, Worcestershire, England. You can use the urls you have indicated to link to the articles. I hope this answers your query.
Thank you for posting this. However, there is some incorrect information. Helga is my aunt and this part is wrong:
"Helga had a son and a daughter by this marriage and died in Surco, Peru on 6th April 2003."
She actually had 2 daughters and a son.
I am wondering if anyone has further information regarding the Austrian refugee Hermann Zapula please? He was my late uncle and I am trying to find out more information about him.
Hello Fiona, Hermann does not appear in any of our lists, but is mentioned in my article about Benjamin Ryle Swift of Longdon Hill House, Wickhamford. He housed Austrian refugee Hermann Zapula for a number of years between the Wars. At the time of the 1939 Register he was described as an 'inmate' refugee attending Avon Croft College, Offenham, Evesham and he was born on 31st December 1912. The documents records a name change for him to Harry Livingston, dated 12th October 1950. He married Elizabeth Livingston in Paddington, London, in 1946.
A little digging in the Newspaper Archives has revealed a reference to Hermann. The Tewkesbury Register of 30th Sept. 1939 reported on a wedding in Evesham of two Austrian refugees from the Nazis. Margarete Kohn married Eugen Schaffel and Hermann Zapula was the best man. Apparently he had come to England, as a child refugee, after the Great War, to escape a famine, later going back to Austria, but then returned here to escape the Nazis.
I am interested in Ann Wheeler (who died in 1837, and who married John Collett in 1802) and her sister (or half sister) Mary Wheeler, who lived for some decades in Badsey including with John Jones, her uncle (per his will), at the time of the 1841 census.
While the Wheeler family did not come from Badsey, they appear to be connected with the Jones family (as well as, by marriage, the Colletts). Is anyone doing any research on either the Jones or Collett families that might throw some light on this?
Additional information is that at least Mary's mother was called Dorothy. At the time of her marriage to George Wheeler, Dorothy was a widow with the surname Bellamy, so any marriage out with a Bellamy would be relevant.
Separately, thank you for all of the work on this website including the collection of such a large amount of resources. Are you interested in any will transcriptions/ summaries? I have acquired a few that are listed on the website but do not have any information about the terms (these include the Will of Ann Collett above and Joseph Jones, proved 1763).
Thank you, Lucy, for your kind comments about our website.
I have added an article to the website about John Jones and included a section about the Wheeler family (go to the Home page and click on the link in “Recently Added Articles”). I’m afraid there’s still a lot of unknowns concerning the Jones and Wheeler families, but this is my best guess, so hope this helps.
Thank you Maureen, that's amazing! It's very interesting seeing it all put together like that. There are some useful pointers for future research and if I get further with that research I will come back and share.
How would l get this information about the sladden family in writing as this is part of my family . My farther was AWH SLADDEN MY GRANDFATHER WAS AWH SLADDEN.
Thank you for your email. We have an enormous amount of information on our website about the Sladden family. I'm afraid I am not aware of a member of the Badsey branch of the Sladden family with the initials A W H. If you can provide us with some further information as to why you think your father and grandfather are connected to the Badsey Sladdens, we will be happy to assist. As a minimum, we would want to know what A W H stand for, where they were born, etc.
Hi, I have been having an interesting time researching the previous residents of 91 Pitchers Hill. We have lived here since 1996. So far I have established, from my own documents, Ancestry and Badsey Society web site (which is fantastic)
1905 - 1919 William James Jones
1919 - 1924 John G D H Field
1924 - 1929 William Bradley
1929 - 1939 Allen Halford
1939 - at least 1955 Arthur C Carter
1987 - ? Philip Davies
? - 1996 owned by residents of 93 and let out as a holiday cottage
1996 - present us
You can see there are some gaps which I would love to be able to fill in. If you have any other information I would be very grateful.
Kind regards
Further to the above I am not sure now of the dates for Halford and Carter. Halford was still there in 1941 and Carter was living further down the road in 1939..........
You seem to have got the information on occupants that can be found on our web-site. The property details are mentioned in the section on the Valuation Survey, ca 1913 (together with no. 93) - see entry no. 1044 for a description. There are photos on the site of Allen Halford and John Field and an article on the Field Family put on in April. Allen Halford served in WW1 and there is a piece about him in that section.
Kenneth's daughter Evelyn Mary Hope FERGUSON (Dool) born 21st May 1915 died 26th October 1920 at Treloars age 5 years. Treloars Cripples Hospital, Alton was for children suffering from tuberculosis and polio. Evelyn was buried in Chawton graveyard where approx. 70 children from Treloars are buried. She had a small raised cross.
As a collector of Realistic Travels stereocards and their pre-cursors published under H D Girdwood, I was pleased to see them referred to in the history of Samuel Byrd section.
I am very interested to see the rest of the Girdwood cards and possibly obtain some high resolution scans. You may not be aware that some of these images were subsequently 're-cycled' and captioned as WW1 images from the African Campaign!
I am currently writing a collectors guide to the WW1 cards.
I already have 14 of these 4W cards and would love to try to piece together the whole set to see if there are any more recycled images amongst the rest; you are welcome to have scans of the ones I have. Thanks Paul
I have spoken to Peter Byrd's daughter, Julie Westlake, who now has the stereoscope and stereocards and is happy to be contacted by you directly. Her email address is julie.lakewest@googlemail.com
Good luck with your guide. If you are able to produce images that are an improvement on the ones we have in the article on Samuel Byrd, we would be pleased to see them.
Hello. I have been keen to walk the routes from Evesham (my home town), and Aldington, where my family once grew fruit in their orchard and tomatoes in the glass houses (I shall send you a photo in a separate comment which you may wish to add to your gallery), and came across Wickhamford Lane. On my OS map it appears to be an ordinary link to negate the use of the A44, however, it was blocked at both ends with gates and barbed wire.... is this old lane now privately owned, has any access been formerly removed?
Thank you for contacting us. We believe the Lane between the two gates is claimed by Christ Church College, Oxford. There is a contributory repairing obligation on some owners or tenants with land accessed from the Lane.
Currently it is not on the Public Rights of Way Definitive Map. The gates have been there for a few years and were put there to deter rubbish dumping and theft etc.
That's interesting to know... I knew of some parcels of land that were owned by the Colleges of Oxford in Aldington but was unaware of any outside of the village.
It looks like I will have to find an alternative route.
As for the other matter I mentioned, I can sort out some old photos and some history to go with them which might be of interest to the Society.
Hi, what a great website. Fanny was my 3rd great grandmother. Thank you for investing the time in writing about her life.
I’m related through the illegitimate daughter of Sarah Ann Wright. Kate Wright, my great grandmother, was born on the 14th November 1874 in Charlton near Evesham. This would be Fanny’s second Grand daughter called Kate Wright born in the space of 2 days. The fathers name on the birth certificate of my Kate would be left blank and in the 1939 register she would put her profession as School teacher. In 1903 she married James Kent Burkitt from Dublin in Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. I possibly have a photograph from the wedding where there is Bride and Groom and two older ladies. One could be Fanny and the other Sarah Ann. On the wedding certificate there is a fictional Frederick Wright as Kate’s father and a Sarah Ann Glasbrook as a witness. In your story you report that the other Kate, daughter of Aldophus, was a pupil teacher staying with Rosa in 1891 - I think that was in fact my great grandmother. I think the other Kate was in Ohio by then with Aldophus and Emma.
What I like about this story is that even though Kate was illegitimate she staying in contact with her mother throughout her life. I have other ancestors who were less fortunate and grew up as orphans or in the workhouse.
I cannot attach photographs on here so if any of my relatives want a copy please send an email.
Many thanks for taking the time to write. I was totally unaware of a second Kate Wright, so have now updated this new information in the article about Fanny Wright.
With regard to Kate’s wedding photo, unfortunately one of the older ladies could not have been Fanny as she died in 1899.
We own a stationary engine delivered to Littleton and Badsey on sept 4th 1944 and thought you may be interested in it or even have some information about it . It is on its original lister trolley and will soon be working again as it is a double water pump and we have a passion for these engines.
Thank you for your email. I have checked with members of our Committee who might have knowledge about this, but I am afraid no one has any information.
Correction re. sale of Three Ways by Harold Idiens in 1952. This house was in fact sold by Mr and Mrs Idiens in August 1952, the principal reason being new residential building was to commence immediately next door to them. Mrs Idiens committed suicide in August 1952 and Mr Idiens followed the same action in January 1953.
I am excited to have received in the post this morning, T C Sparrow's book 'Digging for a living.' Although I do not have family from the area, I have connections to market gardening in Cheshire and I'm keen to learn more about this subject. I grow a small crop of assorted fruit and vegetables in my back garden each year and suspect this book will increase my knowledge. I can't wait to start reading. Many thanks to John Sharp for dealing with my request so promptly.
Hope you enjoy the book! If you have any queries, having read the book, don't hesitate to get in touch. We also have more articles about market gardening on the website.
Thank you. Your website is very informative. I have started to read some of the letters written by the school children. What beautiful writing they had and such a sense of community. There is so much information on this site, it may take me sometime to digest it all. Thank you, again.
Hi would anyone know of any photo's of a Henry Samuel Clements Master Butcher of Evesham (my grandad who I have never seen a picture of) who worked for John Byrd high st. Fred Stratford bridge st. and Wheatley the butchers in Evesham and Badsey. At one time they lived in the cottages called Tower View.
Can any member confirm that Margaret Moisey, dau. of George Moisey and Julia nee Gardner, was the same person who married Hans Werau in 1942 in the Wallingford Reg. District? In 1947 Hans changed his name to John Warren. Any information would be very gratefully received.
Can I ask what your interest is? Yes, your information is correct - I am their daughter. My father who was known as John Christopher Peter Warren died in 1980 and my mother in 2012 at the age of 97. I think you have the date of his naturalisation wrong - I’ve always understood it was 1942 - certainly before I was born in 1944.
Best wishes, Alex Withnall (nee Warren).
Re: Iso of Agg family recipes
I am also a descendant of a Badsey Agg.d
Re: Iso of Agg family recipes
Hello Deborah. It was a large family.Happy to chat if you are interested.
Re: Iso of Agg family recipes
Hello Jayne, In case Debbie hasn't seen your response, I have sent her an email and given her your email address if you would like to continue your conversation offline. If you have any exciting new information about the Agg family, we would love to hear from you.
Frances Mary Touchet's date of birth.
Frances Mary Touchet was born at Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire on 21 November 1812.
See London Courier and Evening Gazette dated Saturday 28 November 1812
The orginal can be found on-line via the British Newspaper Archive at:
Re: Frances Mary Touchet's date of birth.
Thank you. I have updated the biography for Frances Mary Gardiner (née Touchet).
Robert Lionel Phillips 1898-1956
Mr and Mrs Phillips had two further sons following the birth of Ioan in 1924 - Hywel in 1929 and Merfyn in 1934.
Re: Robert Lionel Phillips 1898-1956
Thank you for informing of this. I have updated the relevant page.
Creating a Repository on Ancestry
I have added your article to my Ancestry tree and would like to reference it correctly. However, I cannot find a physical address for the society on the website. Could you please send the proper information for referencing these websites?
Thank you
Re: Creating a Repository on Ancestry
Thank you for contacting us, Daphne. We are happy for you to reference these articles on your Ancestry tree. The Badsey Society is located in Badsey, Worcestershire, England. You can use the urls you have indicated to link to the articles. I hope this answers your query.
Helga Davis
Thank you for posting this. However, there is some incorrect information. Helga is my aunt and this part is wrong:
"Helga had a son and a daughter by this marriage and died in Surco, Peru on 6th April 2003."
She actually had 2 daughters and a son.
Re: Helga Davis
Thank you for the information, Daphne.
I have amended the article as you requested.
Tom Locke
Hermann Zapula
I am wondering if anyone has further information regarding the Austrian refugee Hermann Zapula please? He was my late uncle and I am trying to find out more information about him.
Many thanks
Fiona Moore
Re: Hermann Zapula
Hello Fiona, Hermann does not appear in any of our lists, but is mentioned in my article about Benjamin Ryle Swift of Longdon Hill House, Wickhamford. He housed Austrian refugee Hermann Zapula for a number of years between the Wars. At the time of the 1939 Register he was described as an 'inmate' refugee attending Avon Croft College, Offenham, Evesham and he was born on 31st December 1912. The documents records a name change for him to Harry Livingston, dated 12th October 1950. He married Elizabeth Livingston in Paddington, London, in 1946.
A little digging in the Newspaper Archives has revealed a reference to Hermann. The Tewkesbury Register of 30th Sept. 1939 reported on a wedding in Evesham of two Austrian refugees from the Nazis. Margarete Kohn married Eugen Schaffel and Hermann Zapula was the best man. Apparently he had come to England, as a child refugee, after the Great War, to escape a famine, later going back to Austria, but then returned here to escape the Nazis.
Tom Locke
The Wheelers
I am interested in Ann Wheeler (who died in 1837, and who married John Collett in 1802) and her sister (or half sister) Mary Wheeler, who lived for some decades in Badsey including with John Jones, her uncle (per his will), at the time of the 1841 census.
While the Wheeler family did not come from Badsey, they appear to be connected with the Jones family (as well as, by marriage, the Colletts). Is anyone doing any research on either the Jones or Collett families that might throw some light on this?
Additional information is that at least Mary's mother was called Dorothy. At the time of her marriage to George Wheeler, Dorothy was a widow with the surname Bellamy, so any marriage out with a Bellamy would be relevant.
Separately, thank you for all of the work on this website including the collection of such a large amount of resources. Are you interested in any will transcriptions/ summaries? I have acquired a few that are listed on the website but do not have any information about the terms (these include the Will of Ann Collett above and Joseph Jones, proved 1763).
Re: The Wheelers
Thank you, Lucy, for your kind comments about our website.
I have added an article to the website about John Jones and included a section about the Wheeler family (go to the Home page and click on the link in “Recently Added Articles”). I’m afraid there’s still a lot of unknowns concerning the Jones and Wheeler families, but this is my best guess, so hope this helps.
Maureen Spinks
Re: The Wheelers
Thank you Maureen, that's amazing! It's very interesting seeing it all put together like that. There are some useful pointers for future research and if I get further with that research I will come back and share.
Sladden family
How would l get this information about the sladden family in writing as this is part of my family . My farther was AWH SLADDEN MY GRANDFATHER WAS AWH SLADDEN.
Re: Sladden family
Thank you for your email. We have an enormous amount of information on our website about the Sladden family. I'm afraid I am not aware of a member of the Badsey branch of the Sladden family with the initials A W H. If you can provide us with some further information as to why you think your father and grandfather are connected to the Badsey Sladdens, we will be happy to assist. As a minimum, we would want to know what A W H stand for, where they were born, etc.
91 Pitchers Hill
Hi, I have been having an interesting time researching the previous residents of 91 Pitchers Hill. We have lived here since 1996. So far I have established, from my own documents, Ancestry and Badsey Society web site (which is fantastic)
1905 - 1919 William James Jones
1919 - 1924 John G D H Field
1924 - 1929 William Bradley
1929 - 1939 Allen Halford
1939 - at least 1955 Arthur C Carter
1987 - ? Philip Davies
? - 1996 owned by residents of 93 and let out as a holiday cottage
1996 - present us
You can see there are some gaps which I would love to be able to fill in. If you have any other information I would be very grateful.
Kind regards
Re: 91 Pitchers Hill
Further to the above I am not sure now of the dates for Halford and Carter. Halford was still there in 1941 and Carter was living further down the road in 1939..........
Re: 91 Pitchers Hill
Hello Jane,
You seem to have got the information on occupants that can be found on our web-site. The property details are mentioned in the section on the Valuation Survey, ca 1913 (together with no. 93) - see entry no. 1044 for a description. There are photos on the site of Allen Halford and John Field and an article on the Field Family put on in April. Allen Halford served in WW1 and there is a piece about him in that section.
Tom Locke
Kenneth Bethune Ferguson
Kenneth's daughter Evelyn Mary Hope FERGUSON (Dool) born 21st May 1915 died 26th October 1920 at Treloars age 5 years. Treloars Cripples Hospital, Alton was for children suffering from tuberculosis and polio. Evelyn was buried in Chawton graveyard where approx. 70 children from Treloars are buried. She had a small raised cross.
Re: Kenneth Bethune Ferguson
Many thanks for providing us with this information. I have now updated the information about Evelyn Mary Hope Ferguson and her parents.
Photos about Samuel Byrd
As a collector of Realistic Travels stereocards and their pre-cursors published under H D Girdwood, I was pleased to see them referred to in the history of Samuel Byrd section.
I am very interested to see the rest of the Girdwood cards and possibly obtain some high resolution scans. You may not be aware that some of these images were subsequently 're-cycled' and captioned as WW1 images from the African Campaign!
I am currently writing a collectors guide to the WW1 cards.
I already have 14 of these 4W cards and would love to try to piece together the whole set to see if there are any more recycled images amongst the rest; you are welcome to have scans of the ones I have. Thanks Paul
Re: Photos about Samuel Byrd
Hello Paul,
I have spoken to Peter Byrd's daughter, Julie Westlake, who now has the stereoscope and stereocards and is happy to be contacted by you directly. Her email address is julie.lakewest@googlemail.com
Good luck with your guide. If you are able to produce images that are an improvement on the ones we have in the article on Samuel Byrd, we would be pleased to see them.
Tom Locke
Wickhamford Lane
Hello. I have been keen to walk the routes from Evesham (my home town), and Aldington, where my family once grew fruit in their orchard and tomatoes in the glass houses (I shall send you a photo in a separate comment which you may wish to add to your gallery), and came across Wickhamford Lane. On my OS map it appears to be an ordinary link to negate the use of the A44, however, it was blocked at both ends with gates and barbed wire.... is this old lane now privately owned, has any access been formerly removed?
Re: Wickhamford Lane
Thank you for contacting us. We believe the Lane between the two gates is claimed by Christ Church College, Oxford. There is a contributory repairing obligation on some owners or tenants with land accessed from the Lane.
Currently it is not on the Public Rights of Way Definitive Map. The gates have been there for a few years and were put there to deter rubbish dumping and theft etc.
Re: Wickhamford Lane
Thank you for the quick response.
That's interesting to know... I knew of some parcels of land that were owned by the Colleges of Oxford in Aldington but was unaware of any outside of the village.
It looks like I will have to find an alternative route.
As for the other matter I mentioned, I can sort out some old photos and some history to go with them which might be of interest to the Society.
Kind Regards,
Fanny Careless and the two Kate Wrights
Hi, what a great website. Fanny was my 3rd great grandmother. Thank you for investing the time in writing about her life.
I’m related through the illegitimate daughter of Sarah Ann Wright. Kate Wright, my great grandmother, was born on the 14th November 1874 in Charlton near Evesham. This would be Fanny’s second Grand daughter called Kate Wright born in the space of 2 days. The fathers name on the birth certificate of my Kate would be left blank and in the 1939 register she would put her profession as School teacher. In 1903 she married James Kent Burkitt from Dublin in Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. I possibly have a photograph from the wedding where there is Bride and Groom and two older ladies. One could be Fanny and the other Sarah Ann. On the wedding certificate there is a fictional Frederick Wright as Kate’s father and a Sarah Ann Glasbrook as a witness. In your story you report that the other Kate, daughter of Aldophus, was a pupil teacher staying with Rosa in 1891 - I think that was in fact my great grandmother. I think the other Kate was in Ohio by then with Aldophus and Emma.
What I like about this story is that even though Kate was illegitimate she staying in contact with her mother throughout her life. I have other ancestors who were less fortunate and grew up as orphans or in the workhouse.
I cannot attach photographs on here so if any of my relatives want a copy please send an email.
Re: Fanny Careless and the two Kate Wrights
Hello Tom
Many thanks for taking the time to write. I was totally unaware of a second Kate Wright, so have now updated this new information in the article about Fanny Wright.
With regard to Kate’s wedding photo, unfortunately one of the older ladies could not have been Fanny as she died in 1899.
Lister B water pump
We own a stationary engine delivered to Littleton and Badsey on sept 4th 1944 and thought you may be interested in it or even have some information about it . It is on its original lister trolley and will soon be working again as it is a double water pump and we have a passion for these engines.
Re: Lister B water pump
Thank you for your email. I have checked with members of our Committee who might have knowledge about this, but I am afraid no one has any information.
Three Ways, Willersey Rd. Badsey
Correction re. sale of Three Ways by Harold Idiens in 1952. This house was in fact sold by Mr and Mrs Idiens in August 1952, the principal reason being new residential building was to commence immediately next door to them. Mrs Idiens committed suicide in August 1952 and Mr Idiens followed the same action in January 1953.
Re: Three Ways, Willersey Rd. Badsey
Thanks, Chris.
I have slightly altered the wording where this sad episode is mentioned, in the article on the Idiens family.
Tom Locke
Market Gardening
I am excited to have received in the post this morning, T C Sparrow's book 'Digging for a living.' Although I do not have family from the area, I have connections to market gardening in Cheshire and I'm keen to learn more about this subject. I grow a small crop of assorted fruit and vegetables in my back garden each year and suspect this book will increase my knowledge. I can't wait to start reading. Many thanks to John Sharp for dealing with my request so promptly.
Re: Market Gardening
Hope you enjoy the book! If you have any queries, having read the book, don't hesitate to get in touch. We also have more articles about market gardening on the website.
Re: Market Gardening
Thank you. Your website is very informative. I have started to read some of the letters written by the school children. What beautiful writing they had and such a sense of community. There is so much information on this site, it may take me sometime to digest it all. Thank you, again.
Henry Samuel Clements
Hi would anyone know of any photo's of a Henry Samuel Clements Master Butcher of Evesham (my grandad who I have never seen a picture of) who worked for John Byrd high st. Fred Stratford bridge st. and Wheatley the butchers in Evesham and Badsey. At one time they lived in the cottages called Tower View.
Margaret A Moisey
Can any member confirm that Margaret Moisey, dau. of George Moisey and Julia nee Gardner, was the same person who married Hans Werau in 1942 in the Wallingford Reg. District? In 1947 Hans changed his name to John Warren. Any information would be very gratefully received.
Re: Margaret A Moisey
Hi Peter
Can I ask what your interest is? Yes, your information is correct - I am their daughter. My father who was known as John Christopher Peter Warren died in 1980 and my mother in 2012 at the age of 97. I think you have the date of his naturalisation wrong - I’ve always understood it was 1942 - certainly before I was born in 1944.
Best wishes, Alex Withnall (nee Warren).