Miss F M Jelfs and Mr E J Ladbrook
The wedding took place in Badsey Parish Church on Saturday of Miss Frances Mary Jelfs, fourth daughter of Mr & Mrs F Jelfs of 4 Bowers Hill, Badsey, and Mr Eric John Ladbrook, only son of Mr & Mrs J Ladbrook of Bibsworth Avenue, Broadway. The service was conducted by Rev W C Allsebrook.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a pale blue morocain dress with maroon accessories with a spray of dark red carnations, and she carried an ivory prayer book.
The matron of honour was Mrs F Masters (bride’s sister) who wore a dusty pink dress with maroon accessories and a spray of pink carnations. Mr Frank Masters was the best man. A reception at the bride’s home was attended by forty guests.
On leaving the church the bride and bridegroom were presented with two horseshoes from Miss Phyllis Jelfs (sister) and Henry Crump (nephew). The bridegroom’s present to the bride was a handbag while the bride’s gift was a fountain pen and pencil. The matron of honour received a gold bracelet from the bridegroom.