Apr 3/96
My Dear Kathleen,
As it is your turn for a letter this week I must write a few lines to keep up the custom.
I got down here last evening with Jack about 7.30 he seems very well, he has done pretty well in the trial exam scoring over 900 marks, if he can put on about another 150 in June he would do, he was best of all in French & Essay and second in Scripture.
Tell May I am very pleased to hear her essay was the best again, I am glad you stood so well in your various subjects last week. You will have heard from home about Arthur returning before instead of after Easter. Grannie seems fairly well. Uncle Frank has come over and to-morrow we are going to Ash and Rosway. Jack will have to return on Wednesday and I shall stay till then.
The sea is nice and smooth to-day and the weather pleasant. I must write a few lines to Mother so will conclude this. With much love to you both
I remain
your affectionate Father
Julius Sladden
Poor old “Glen” has departed this life! Jack’s mathematics have gone up from 24 in Nov to 103.