How to join
The Badsey Society
or renew a subscription
Membership is open to everybody. The annual subscription is now £5 a year per person, with subscriptions becoming due in January. Any new member joining between 1 October and 31 December will automatically remain a member for the following year. We regret we do not offer group membership or concessions.
We do not issue membership cards. Once you are a member you should start receiving our newsletters. These are issued quarterly in January, April, July and October.
When you join please ensure we have your name and address, and also either an email address, or a phone number, or preferably both. If you pay online, we will assume the details you give are the ones we should use, unless you email us at to let us know otherwise.
Locally. Subscriptions may be paid at our AGM in February, or at other Badsey Society events. You may also send payment to:
Acting Treasurer, The Badsey Society
The Willows, 8A High Street
Badsey, Evesham
WR11 7EW
- or hand your payment to another committee member. Cheques should be payable to 'The Badsey Society'.
Online payment. Secure credit and debit card payments may be made by clicking on the buttons opposite. You may also use the buttons opposite to make a donation to Badsey Society.
Payment is processed by PayPal but please note that it is not necessary to have a PayPal account to pay in this way. If you have any difficulties with paying please email us at